
You have completed Module 1:

Introducing Body Image


  • For additional coach education and training to learn how to address gender identities, stereotypes and bias in your coaching, visit

  • Matheson, E. L., Schneider, J., Tinoco, A., Silva-Breen, H., LaVoi, N. M., & Diedrichs, P. C. (2023). How can we help you? A global investigation into girls’ body image experiences in sport and intervention preferences. Body Image, 46, 265–279.

  • Sabiston, C. M., Pila, E., Vani, M., & Thogersen-Ntoumani, C. (2019). Body image, physical activity, and sport: A scoping review. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 42, 48–57.

  • Schneider, J., Matheson, E. L., Tinoco, A., Gentili, C., White, P., Boucher, C., ... & LaVoi, N. M. (2023). Body confident coaching: A pilot randomized controlled trial evaluating the acceptability of a web-based body image intervention for coaches of adolescent girls. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 1–26.

  • Schneider, J., Matheson, E. L., Tinoco, A., Silva-Breen, H., Diedrichs, P. C., & LaVoi, N. M. (2023). A six-country study of coaches’ perspectives of girls’ body image concerns in sport and intervention preferences: Template analysis of survey and focus group data. Body Image, 46, 300–312.

  • Slater, A., & Tiggemann, M. (2011). Gender differences in adolescent sport participation, teasing, self-objectification and body image concerns. Journal of Adolescence, 34(3), 455–463.

  • Vani, M. F., Pila, E., deJonge, M., Solomon-Krakus, S., & Sabiston, C. M. (2021). ‘Can you move your fat ass off the baseline?’ Exploring the sport experiences of adolescent girls with body image concerns. Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health, 13(4), 671–689.

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