Core Content

What are the potential consequences of negative and positive body image?

Negative Body Image

  • Low self-esteem.

  • Symptoms of anxiety and depression.

  • Self-harm and suicide.

  • Substance misuse.

  • Unhealthy exercise behaviors.

  • Disordered eating and unhealthy weight control behaviors.

  • Intention to have cosmetic surgery.

  • Lower educational attainment.

  • Lesser professional achievement.

  • Avoiding health appointments.

  • Reduced enjoyment and motivation in sport.

  • More likely to drop out of sport.

  • Worse performance in sport.

Positive Body Image

  • Good physical and mental health.

  • Higher self-esteem.

  • Confidence to speak up.

  • Higher levels of happiness.

  • Appreciation of one’s own body and what it can do.

  • Respect and care for the body.

  • Acceptance of appearance diversity in others.

  • Better overall well-being.

  • More likely to enjoy sport.

  • Less likely to drop out of sport.

  • Better performance in sport.

  • Greater ability to focus on the task or sport at hand.

The key to body confident coaching is to become aware of the causes and potential consequences of negative and positive body image among girls.


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