You have completed Module 2:
Tackling Negative Body Image
For additional coach education and training to learn how to address gender identities, stereotypes and bias in your coaching, visit
10 Steps to Positive Body Image (National Eating Disorder Association, U.S.)
Developing and Modeling Positive Body Image (National Eating Disorder Association, U.S.)
Positive Body Image Workbook: A Clinical and Self-Improvement Guide by Nichole Wood-Barcalow, Tracy Tylka and Casey Judge
Understanding Body Image (First Steps, UK)
Body Happy Org Resources (Body Happy Org, UK)
A Guide for Young People: Body Image (Young Minds, UK)
Body Image Explained (The Butterfly Foundation, Australia)
Body Image Guide for Parents and Caregivers (pdf) (Mental Health Foundation, UK)
Some Tennessee Volleyball Players Wear Leggings in Games. Here's Why their Choice Matters (Knoxville News Sentinel)
Coker-Cranney, A., & Reel, J. J. (2015). Coach pressure and disordered eating in female collegiate athletes: Is the coach-athlete relationship a mediating factor?. Journal of Clinical Sport Psychology, 9(3), 213–231.
Tinoco, A., Schneider, J., Haywood, S., & Matheson, E. L. (2023). “They are men, they will be looking even if you put on pants or a sweatshirt”: Girl athletes' and coaches' experiences of body image in Mexico City sport settings. Body Image, 46, 73–83.
Willson, E., & Kerr, G. (2021). Body shaming as a form of emotional abuse in sport. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 1–19.