
You have completed Module 3: 

Promoting Body Confidence


  • For additional coach education and training to learn how to address gender identities, stereotypes and bias in your coaching, visit

    To start putting your learnings into practice and empower body confident athletes, visit

  • Coker-Cranney, A., & Reel, J. J. (2015). Coach pressure and disordered eating in female collegiate athletes: Is the coach-athlete relationship a mediating factor?. Journal of Clinical ● Galli, N., Reel, J. J., Henderson, H., & Detling, N. (2016). An investigation of body image in athletes with physical disabilities. Journal of Clinical Sport Psychology, 10(1), 1–18.

  • O’Hara, L., Ahmed, H., & Elashie, S. (2021). Evaluating the impact of a brief Health at Every Size®-informed health promotion activity on body positivity and internalized weight-based oppression. Body Image, 37, 225–237.

  • Piran, N. (2019). Handbook of positive body image and embodiment: Constructs, protective factors, and interventions. Oxford University Press.

  • Lee, W., & Cunningham, G. B. (2019). Moving toward understanding social justice in sport organizations: A study of engagement in social justice advocacy in sport organizations. Journal of Sport and Social Issues, 43(3), 245–263.

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