Coach’s Corner Suggestions & Tips: Most people who diet fall into a cycle of weight loss and weight gain. This cycle can be harmful for physical and mental health, increasing the risk for heart disease, eating disorders, poor self-esteem, etc. You could:
Encourage your athletes to respect their signals of hunger.
Remind your athletes that our body knows what it needs. Learning this takes practice, which athletes can get by paying attention to signals like a growling tummy, light-headedness, weakness, trouble concentrating, fatigue and hunger pangs. With time, they will know the difference between extreme and mild hunger and learn to respond to mild hunger – before it gets extreme. You can encourage athletes to pay attention to hunger diminishing when they are eating and notice if it’s replaced by feelings of satisfaction, energy and relaxation.
Remind athletes that restricting or avoiding foods can make us feel deprived, which can get in the way of better recognizing our body signals. Embracing a variety of foods helps us avoid allowing some foods to create an emotional charge that gets in the way of enjoying them and selecting them in a way that honors our hunger and respect for our body.
Focus your coaching on athlete well-being and what their bodies can do, rather than what they look like. You will learn more about body functionality and body inclusive coaching in the next module.