Core Content

Focusing on what the body can do

When you focus on how your athletes feel and what their bodies can do, rather than what they look like, you can help increase your athletes’ appreciation of their bodies and their enjoyment, performance and well-being during sport. Body functions can include our five senses (e.g., touch, sight, hearing, smell and taste), how we move (e.g., walking, playing sport), how we create and communicate (e.g., painting, singing, writing) and how we heal (e.g., creating white blood cells to overcome a cold).

Body Functionality:

  • Shifts the focus from appearance and needing to look a certain way (e.g., challenges appearance ideals).

  • Demonstrates that it’s more important to focus on what the body can do, rather than what it looks like.

  • Increases participation in and enjoyment of sport and other life events.


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