Girls Say

There is an idea that girls should not be there, that the sporting field is for boys, because there are not enough women in professional sports being represented in the media.’’

- Kate, multisport

Dance makes me feel good about my body because I have creative liberty to do whatever I want with my body. Even when I am given a choreography, I am the one who chooses how I execute the movement.”

- Imani, dance

What makes me feel good about my body is the way my body performs during games. If my legs are the way they are it’s because they help me play the way that I do.’’

- Vanessa, soccer

Coaches Say

These same individuals are coping with their problems, whether they are on a basketball court or a beach or isolated alone in their bedrooms. Ideally, our efforts to combat body image issues as coaches ‘on the field’ would positively impact our athletes ‘off the field’.”

- Coach Chris, surfing

Creating a safe space for the young women to be open and honest. Being a safe, trustworthy person that the young women feel comfortable talking to about sensitive topics.”

- Coach Georgina, multisport

Having a variety of body types present within our studio community, so that these young dancers can see older dancers who have body types other than what is commonly depicted as a ‘dancer’s’ body.”

- Coach Shanice, dance


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